Tuesday, May 6, 2008

MG Precision

So, I've decided to write a book (more like a booklet) on the system Meaghin and I play which I've called MG Precision. It has gone through various changes, but when we first started to learn something other than SAYC, I convinced Meaghin that Precision would be fun to try. She told me, "Just get me complete notes on any system you want, and I'll try to learn it." The first one I gave her was Key Lime Precision.

When I first read systems, a lot of them assumed you knew what certain things were like "natural continuations" or "good suit." So, I turned my attention to a more complete description of a precision system called The K-Club written by Ken Allan from Kingston, Ontario. Meg and I played that system to the letter for a long time, and it has helped our game immensely (I think). Over time, I've tweaked and experimented (always bugging Meg about it before changing things) changing the responses to 1C a little, adding almost all of the Italian Asking Bids (giving them their American names rather than the names Alpha, Beta, etc.), changing the responses to 2C a little, etc. So, the base system is K-Club, with elements of Meckwell Precision (the Precision system played by Jeff Meckstroth and Eric Rodwell), Viking Precision, and Marshall Miles's system, the Unbalanced Diamond (responses to 1M mostly).

I find that it is very difficult to invent a system that A) is original, B) works well, and C) is allowed in ACBL GCC (for some reason they are trying to look out for the folks who can't spend all their time reading different systems and coming up with defenses to them). So, most systems nowadays are amalgams of various systems that they've experienced or read about, and this system is no different.

A little about it. I have on this blog the openings for this system (fairly normal Precision openings except for the NT ranges). The features of MG Precision are the Micro NT (10-12 HCP 1NT in 1st and 2nd seat, regardless of vulnerability), Transfer Major Positives after 1C opening, Positive Canape responses to 1C opening, 20-21 HCP 2NT (like Standard, less to learn), Italian Asking Bids, and a non-forcing 1NT response to 1M opening. I think the most fun I have with this system is the Micro NT. We have a great runout scheme for the times opponents like to double such bravado, so it hasn't really bitten us on the butt just yet.

So, I've got about 2 more chapters to write (all defensive bidding chapters), and then I'll look to publish. I'll have to ask my trademark attorney wife/regular partner if I'll be able to, though. I'll keep you updated.


Anonymous said...

Hi Greg. My wife and I are starting to learn a Precision system and are starting to have success with it. What do you do with a 19 point hand that is 4-4-4-1, and let's say your singleton is a heart ? I think you open this hand 1C and if partner bids 1D, what do you do ? We have been opening strong (16+) 3 suited hands (4-4-4-1 shape) by opening 2D, but are thinking we want to do something different. Eric (gericshugart@yahoo.com)

Greg Earnest said...

Hey Eric! I love these kinds of questions. I asked the same question to myself when I started learning Precision, except I had a problem with any 4441 hand with 16+ points after the auction 1C - 1D. For example, with 19 points and a 4-1-4-4 hand specifically, what to do? Well, my partner and I would bid 1C - 1D - 1S. This would typically show a 5+ card major, but since the responses to 1C - 1D - 1M in our system are so specific (and partner will bid with at least 2 points), it's okay to lie a little in these situations. Here's what responder bids after 1C - 1D - 1S:

1NT = 2-5 pts, no 3+ spades
2C = 6-7 pts, 2 or less spades
2D = 6-7 pts, 3 spades exactly
2H = 6-7 pts, 5+ hearts
2S = 1-5 pts, 3+ spades
3C/3D/3H = 6-7 pts, 4+ spades, shortness in bid suit (like a splinter response to 1M)

After any of these where partner has 6-7 pts and 3 or less support for your 4 spades, bid clubs next and go from there. If partner bids 1NT or 2S showing a minimum, then game isn't really in the picture for you and pass looks like the way to go.

Also, you can bid like this anytime you have a balanced 19-20 points and 4-4 in the majors (bidding 1C - 1D - 1H). This way partner will show you, in priority, 4+ hearts, 4+ spades, 3 hearts, less than 3 hearts. If the auction goes 1C - 1D - 1H - 2H, you can bet partner has 4 hearts or if only 3 of them, she won't have 4 spades as well (they would bid 1S instead of 2H when they hold 4-3-x-x).

I hope that helped! Feel free to download the pdf version of MG Precision OR you can try a much more verbose version of Precision (the one Meg and I started with) called K Club Precision found here: http://home.cogeco.ca/~allan/k-club.pdf

Anonymous said...


Thanks Greg. My wife's and my system is a work in progress and we are borrowing heavily from the above link. My wife has also suggested we simply lie and bid a 4 Card Major when strong and 3 suited in the sequence 1C-1D -? and the use the 2D to describe any 4-4-4-1 hand int he 11-15 point range...I will study your notes! Eric

online pharmacy said...

Can you explain me more about the precision of this technique?