A Strangely Natural Bidding System
A long-time bridge friend, David, was seeking a partner to play a new system with. Naturally, knowing my fascination in bidding systems, he asked me. Devised by a couple of Italian pros, Fulvio Fantoni and Claudio Nunes, this system has a very natural way of bidding, but in the land of conventions and artificial bids, it seems strange. The gimmick is that all 13+ point hands are opened at the one-level, making all of them FORCING. No more playing in 1 of suit without bidding as an overcaller, which in my mind isn't that important. Here's the opening bids:1C = 13+ pts, 2+ clubs
1D = 13+ pts, 4+ diamonds (unbalanced, could be x-x-4-5 shape)
1M = 13+ pts, 5+ card major
1NT = 12-14 pts, balanced (may have a 5-card major)
2 suit = 9-12 pts, 5+ card suit (suit does not need to be of good quality)
2NT = 20-21 pts, balanced
3 suit = Preemptive
The 1C bid includes three types of hands: (1) 13+ pts, 5+ clubs, (2) 13+ pts, 4-4-1-4 shape, and (3) 15-19/22+ points, balanced
To open 1 of a suit, follow the Rule of 22 (length of two longest suits + HCP = 22 or more). After these, responder just needs 11+ pts, balanced or 10+ pts, unbalanced to game-force.
To open 2 of a suit, follow the Rule of 18 (length of two longest suits + HCP = 18 or more). With a 2-suited hand, bid the higher ranking.
No artificial "I have a strong hand" bid! Opening at the 2-level with hands that in most systems would pass! Looks like fun, no?
Honestly, I think most great bidding happens deep into the auction, but even if you're not someone who has a lot of time to devote to 4 or 5 or more levels of bidding and what they mean, this system would make a mean Matchpoint system if you ask me. I would love to try it sometime with Meaghin, but first we must get that last bit of gold at Tunica this next week.
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