So, Meg has been kind enough to try Cappelletti defense to 1NT which shows the following after opponent's bid 1NT:
Double = penalty
2C = 1-suited hand
2D = 2-suited in the majors
2H = 2-suited in hearts and a minor
2S = 2-suited in spades and a minor
2NT = 2-suited in the minors
The minuses of this system of overcalls is that with a 1-suited hand (which happens more often) you are bidding at such a low level that opponents can be bidding with you and sometimes you never get to show partner your suit (unless you bid at a level perhaps higher than you intended). After debating the other defenses to 1NT like Brozel, DONT, Astro, etc. Meg and I decided to create our own system which has the following characteristics:
1. Double is penalty. This way we can play this system over weak NT as well as the normal 15-17 range.
2. 2M is natural. This takes up enough space to be a pest and shows immediately the strain we most likely want to be in.
So, after looking at the GCC (General Convention Chart, which is the rules we must follow in ACBL tournaments), I discovered that Double AND 2C can be used artificially without having to show any particular suit. Here's what we came up with:
Double = penalty
2C = 2-suited in a major and a minor
2D = 2-suited in the majors
2H = Natural
2S = Natural
2NT = 2-suited in the minors
3C/3D = Natural (typically a 6-card suit)
This takes care of all 1- and 2-suited hands. The only bid that is a problem is 2C which shows a major and a minor, neither of which partner knows. Responses in an uncontested auction to the 2C overcall are as follows:
2D = asks partner for the major (support or tolerance for either major)
2H = support or tolerance for hearts, NO tolerance for spades
2S = support or tolerance for spades, NO tolerance for hearts
2NT = asks for partner for the minor (support or tolerance for either minor, NO major tolerance)
This is new for us, so if anyone has a name they would like to give this system of overcalls of 1NT, I would appreciate it.